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Freshies Night.

Another sleepless night with three-fourths of the DPA '16. Without them, the party would be filled with Zs.

Tucked myself into my bleached high-waisted shorts, simple black tee, John Varvatos Converse & a pair of green headphones before heading to campus on a warm Friday evening. Cashed in RM10 for my first party of 2016 - Freshies Night! This year's theme being neon, attending freshmen can be caught wearing glow-in-the-dark tee shirts, shoelaces and all sorts of eye-catching accessories (while I lazily dressed myself in a boring everyday outfit). After meeting up with a few classmates, we all headed up to JC Hall, prepared to rock our jam & enjoy the night.

Ah you're probably curious if you know me well, why did I chose to attend the party? Not a night party kind of person at all, I dragged myself to the ear-splitting music & blinding lights because two of my amazing classmates are performing that night, how could I not chip in support? Plus it's not just some performance, but a contest where they need screams & woots in order to earn the crown. Hmm guess my presence there made one of them win the game (heh). Congratulations again, Daniel! I'm sure you'll steal the stage next time, Ryan.

To be honest, the party was pretty boring. This introverted husky was dying of heat, apathy & yawns. Spent a few bucks on neon bands & glow-in-the-dark face paint thinking it would hype me up, unfortunately it did not. There wasn't even enough bites & sips as a backup plan, at least my classmates were there all along (though I didn't really felt the company, welp). I'm just glad that I'm a part of cheering Daniel & Ryan throughout their catwalks & live showcases, wouldn't forgive myself if I stayed home binging on YouTube instead.

Well, I could say that DJ Deonix (aka Daniel, that talented jackass) managed to tip my mood back to a beating heart. The rave was alright, but the heat was killing us all inside. Classmates Caedon & Ben got pulled into dance battles again, them backflips & splits made me feel oafish as fuck. Sucks to say that I just left the crowd around half past 11 as I couldn't afford to entertain myself any longer.

Nevertheless, more similar nights to come. #collegelife

Blue + Yellow
Awful photoshopping skills I have.

*DPA - Diploma in Performing Arts



"Don't set yourself on fire

to keep others warm."

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