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DRAC Presents You.

May 9 is one of the most memorable days I ever encounter - we nailed our presentation to the moon & back!

On the Sunday night before the pee-your-pants afternoon, our promise was to gather at Daniel's house by 10 to put the puzzle pieces together, at the same time lower the doubt of receiving an average grade for Professional Skills class. Ah, we're Team DRAC by the way! D for Daniel, R for Ryan, A for me & C for Caedon (pretty weird name, still better than CARD though). Rehearsed our arses until half past 3am, we tired hooligans then toppled onto sofas in order to cure exhaustion.

And of course, we had an extremely tough time waking up at 7 in the morning.

Blink of an eye, we're all suited up in a mixture of black, red & white, warming our butts on blue classroom chairs waiting for our turn. Guess I was the only one who was shivering to the point that my face was as hot as Sebastian Stan (I mean boiling water). Minutes close to 3pm, we were up, my awful American accent found its way through the performance, aaaand the nightmare's over! GOSH I was (and still) genuinely impressed & happy about what we threw to the audience AND our grades. Can't express how grateful I am towards my amazing (and horribly eccentric) teammates.

Before I end this, I really have to paste in my favourite Shakespeare quote from the play we spoke about, "The Merchant of Venice". Fuck Racism.

"If you prick us do we not bleed?

If you tickle us do we not laugh?

If you poison us do we not die?

And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"

merchant of venice klpac

Deonix, Caedon, Alanis & Ryan



"Don't set yourself on fire

to keep others warm."

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